Thursday, December 17, 2009

Engaging New Audiences

I have this new habit. An overactive mind will do that to you.

I look at people while I'm out and about and wonder if they go to Opera Roanoke, Gallery 108, Jacksonville Center or Attic Productions.

I drive down Williamson Rd on my way into the office each day and the Roanoke Civic Center's marque says, "If you build it they will come." How can we increase the likelihood that new audiences (or existing audiences might venture to the "other side" and attend a play if they currently go to the opera) will attend an arts activity?

How do we engage audiences into our arts world? If we "build it" will they "come" not once or twice, but for years to come?

It's an age-old question and arts organizations have pondered it for years. It shows that we must continue to "build it so they will come" but must also ask the community what they want to see. (And also nudging them to step outside their comfort level.) I recently attended a meeting where the need for a cultural plan was discussed. Perhaps, as we ponder this, we can also include a community arts survey to determine the arts market (if you will). Are we "building it" but forgetting to engage the "home owners" in the project?

Let me know what you think.

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